Monday, February 22, 2016

OH, MY GOD! Part 1

Hello skulls!
We are very happy to present to you 'OH, MY GOD!', a monthly superhero comedy illustrated by José Cobá, the story will go a bit crazier each time, we really feel that you will enjoy it, so please make sure you are following us on Facebook and Twitter so you don't miss the next episode. - Gerardo

Monday, February 15, 2016


We are super excited to share with you the comic that made David and I start Old Skull Comics, MASTER OF THE LORDS is an homage to the 80's Cartoons and Toys we grew up with, we came up with a Toyline first, then figured out a story that would allow these characters to co-exist together, so now please read (and hopefully enjoy) the first chapter of our crown jewel, MASTER OF THE LORDS.

*Update, please check out this interview Gerardo did for Comic Book and Movie Reviews, he talks Mr. T, Metallica and a lot of 80's nonsense!

Finally, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates on 'MASTER OF THE LORDS' and more upcoming projects!